Journal of Animal Science and Technology
Korean Society of Animal Sciences and Technology

Quality assessment of chukar partridge (A. chukar) eggs during different conditions (time, turning and position) of storage

Mustafa Çam1,*, Zahit Kutalmış Kaya1, Serdar Güler1, Halil Harman2, Kemal Kırıkçı1
1Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Selcuk University, Konya 42250, Turkey
2Bahri Dagdas International Agricultural Research Institute, University College Dublin, Konya 42020, Turkey
*Corresponding author: Mustafa Çam, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Selcuk University, Konya 42250, Turkey., Tel: +90-3322232702, E-mail:

© Copyright 2022 Korean Society of Animal Science and Technology. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: Dec 10, 2021; Revised: Jan 11, 2022; Accepted: Jan 28, 2022

Published Online: Mar 31, 2022


The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of storage length, turning frequency and egg position on internal quality traits of chukar eggs obtained from 56-week-old chukar partridges under the same nutrition and management conditions. A total of 720 eggs were collected and assigned to 36 subgroups according to storage length (7, 14, 21, and 28 d), turning frequency (0, 1, and 24 per day) and egg position (pointed end up, blunt end up and horizontal). As a result of the study, almost all the internal quality traits of chukar eggs were negatively affected by lengthening of storage period especially 21 days and longer (p < 0.001). Internal egg quality traits weren’t statistically affected by turning frequency except yolk index (p < 0.01). An improvement was observed in Haugh unit, albumen index and heigh of eggs stored with pointed end up (p < 0.001). Some significant interactions occurred among all internal egg quality traits which were mostly dependent on the eggs stored horizontally, extended storage time more than 21 days and egg turning during storage. The results and interactions showed that internal quality traits would be preserved well for the eggs stored less than 21 days with the position of pointed end up independent of turning. If the storage period was to exceed 21 days, the eggs should be positioned horizontally and turning should be applied to preserve the quality of chukar eggs.

Keywords: Chukar partridge; Egg position; Egg quality; Storage period; Turning frequency


Storing eggs is one of the most necessary ways of the poultry industry given the fact that daily egg incubation or transportation is inefficient due to economical reasons. In addition, nutrient values of daily collected fresh eggs decrease from albumen to embryo phases and impair gaseous transportation between embryo and environment [1]. At intensive poultry farms, the daily collected eggs are laid on the storage chambers and then held for a while at 15°C–20°C and 75%–80% relative humidity [2]. Egg production of partridge eggs was fluctuated throughout breeding season [3]. These seasonal changes of partridge eggs production cause the need to hold the eggs for longer period to obtain sufficient quantity of eggs for incubation.

Partridge breeding is getting popular as game birds in the several Mediterranean countries including Turkey. Chukar partridge is one of the most popular species among game birds. Due to not only higher valuable of its chicks but also lower egg production of hens in poultry industry, all chukar eggs obtained from breeding farms are aimed to be incubated. For these reasons, several studies have been conducted to describe optimum storage conditions of partridges.

Despite the fact that egg storage time is known not to exceed one week in the poultry industry [2] which >was probably due to albumen degradation with longer storage period [4]; many researchers have proved partridge eggs are more durable to longer storage period [57]. According to Çağlayan et al. [6], the internal quality of partridge eggs was deteriorated by long storage time. This could be attributed to the fact that long storage time can cause the decrease of albumen viscosity which might be detrimental effect on the hatching of eggs [4]. But Günhan and Kırıkçı [7] stated that the partridge eggs could resist protein degradation in the long-term storage period. The turning of eggs during long storage period was reported to have some beneficial effects particularly on low quality eggs [811]. Elibol and Brake [11] explained the egg quality might be deteriorated by different positions of eggs in the storage period. Ayeni et al. [4] described different positions of eggs during storage would have different effects on hatching process. However, the recommendations of these authors were generally based on the results of hatching performance and none of them about how to change egg quality traits in different storage conditions were made clear. In addition, scientific studies of partridge egg quality assessment in different conditions during storage period are still lacking. It’s also hypothesized that turning the eggs with small end up position during long storage time might prevent those from adverse effects of deteriorating the albumen and development of chorioallantoic membrane [4]. Thus, this study was aimed to investigate the impact of storage conditions such as storage time, turning frequency, egg position and their potential interactions on egg quality traits of chukar partridge in the storage period prior to incubation.


Breeder flock and husbandry

This study was carried out at Bahri Dagdas International Agricultural Research Institute (37° 52′ 5.7612” and 32° 33′ 12.8088”), the climate of which was steppe (cold semi-arid). 56-week-old chukar partridges were kept in semi-open wire mesh cages size of which 6.0 × 1.2 × 1.5 m as 30 females and 10 males. Average egg production at the time interval when the study was carried out was 14 eggs per each cage. In addition to natural photoperiod, an artificial lighting program was implemented at a rate of 1 h artificial light per week after obtaining the first egg at 36-weeks age. The artificial lighting program was terminated after making a total of 16 h. The partridges were fed with the same ration ad libitum (Table 1). The needs of water were met ad libitum with automatic nipples.

Table 1. The ingredients and chemical composition of partridge diet
Ingredients %
Wheat 37.28
Maize 24.90
Boncalite 5.00
Vegetable oil 3.00
Soybean meal (%48) 19.10
Marble powder 6.37
Dicalcium phosphate 18 2.78
L-Lysine hydrochloride 0.88
Salt 0.42
Vitamin-mineral Premix1) 0.25
DL-Methionine 0.02
Calculated nutrient concentration
 ME (kcal/kg) 2,800
 CP (% KM) 18
 Ca (%) 3.11
 P (%) 0.61
 Lysine (%) 1.5
 Methionine + cystine (%) 0.6

Premix provided the following per kg of diet: Vitamin A, 8.800 IU; vitamin D3, 2.200 IU; vitamin E, 11 mg; nicotinic acid, 44 mg; Cal-DPantotenat, 8.8 mg; riboflavin, 4.4 mg; thiamine, 2.5 mg; vitamin B12, 6.6 mg; folic acid, 1 mg; D-Biotin, 0.11 mg; colin, 220 mg; Mn, 80 mg; Cu, 5 mg; Fe, 60 mg; Zn, 60 mg; Co, 0.20 mg; iodine, 1 mg; Se, 0.15 mg.

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Experimental design

Daily fresh chukar eggs were numbered and assigned to three experimental groups consisting of randomly selected eggs weighing 19–24 g [12]. Experimental groups were designed as storage length (7, 14, 21 and 28 d), turning frequency (0, 1 and 24 times a day) and egg position (blunt end up, pointed end up and horizontal). Totally, 720 eggs were used consisting of 20 eggs per each subgroup. All the eggs were randomly allocated to the subgroups. The eggs were collected four consecutive days according to the storage length. For the forming of three different turning groups, the eggs were set into three same model of storage chambers (HD-960L-3in1) at average 15°C and 75% relative humidity. All the subgroups were homogenously distributed into the chambers for the same microclimate conditions. The storage chambers were in the same storage room under same environmental conditions with the location of near the breeding cages. The eggs at the turning groups were turned as 45° angle from vertical plane in the storage chambers.

Measuring egg quality

Following the same day at the end of storage period per each storage length group; eggs were weighed individually. The eggs were broken onto round glass table and sit for approximately 5 min. to measure albumen width, albumen length, albumen height, yolk diameter and yolk height of eggs with an electronic digital caliper (Kanon EMS-150). Albumen height was measured in the middle of thick albumen from equal distances to the outer corners of albumen. Following separation of yolk from albumen; albumen weight, eggshell weight and yolk weights were weighed using an electronic balance with 0.01 precision. The other traits of eggs were calculated according to the following equations below [13].

  1. Albumen index (%): [(Albumen height / (Albumen length + Albumen width) / 2)] × 100

  2. Albumen weight (g): Egg weight − (Yolk weight + Shell weight)

  3. Albumen ratio (%): (Albumen weight / Egg weight) × 100

  4. Yolk index (%): (Yolk height / Yolk diameter) × 100

  5. Yolk ratio (%): (Yolk weight / Egg weight) × 100

  6. Yolk / albumen ratio: (Yolk weight / Albumen weight) × 100

  7. Haugh Unit: 100log [Albumen height − (1.7 × Egg weight0.37) + 7.57]

  8. Shell ratio (%): (Shell weight / Egg weight) × 100

Statistical analyses

The data of 29 eggs were discarded from the study due to data errors. Differences among experimental groups to determine egg quality traits were analyzed by General Linear Model (GLM; SPSS ver. 25.0). Storage length, turning frequency, egg position and their interactions were included in the model as fixed effects. To determine differences among multiple groups means, Bonferroni correction test was used considering 5% probability.


Some egg quality traits

Some chukar egg quality parameters with different storage length, turning frequency and egg position groups and their effects were given in Tables 2 and 3 respectively. Storage length showed significant effect on almost all quality parameters illustrated in Table 3 (p < 0.001). Significant differences occurred dramatically after 21-d of storage period. Turning frequency didn’t have any significant effect on these quality parameters except for yolk height which observed highest results in the eggs turned 24 times a day. Significant effects with different results among egg position groups were found on the egg quality traits such as yolk diameter, albumen length and height (p < 0.01).

Table 2. Some quality traits (mm) of chukar partridge eggs in different storage length, turning frequency and egg position during storage period
SL (d) TF (times/d) EP n AW AL AH YW YH
7 0 PEU 18 39.46 54.25 4.59 30.10 11.98
BEU 18 39.34 53.61 4.72 29.87 12.55
H 17 44.72 62.52 4.42 29.60 12.45
1 PEU 20 39.44 54.79 5.10 30.09 12.59
BEU 20 38.58 52.48 4.46 30.13 12.23
H 19 43.56 60.73 4.05 30.77 12.08
24 PEU 20 40.22 57.98 4.68 30.40 12.91
BEU 20 39.58 56.17 4.43 30.45 12.44
H 20 40.91 54.60 4.67 29.71 12.65
14 0 PEU 16 39.08 58.82 4.85 30.09 13.24
BEU 17 41.04 57.88 4.48 30.79 12.75
H 20 40.11 60.34 4.22 30.25 12.63
1 PEU 19 37.80 54.66 4.43 30.41 12.48
BEU 20 42.28 61.02 4.39 29.95 13.21
H 20 39.33 57.69 4.23 30.80 12.53
24 PEU 20 40.47 56.08 4.44 30.64 13.16
BEU 20 42.44 59.36 4.47 29.73 13.16
H 18 41.12 61.53 4.23 30.12 12.74
21 0 PEU 20 40.64 56.58 4.32 31.98 12.47
BEU 19 40.13 56.87 4.35 30.40 12.65
H 16 39.91 57.41 4.22 30.77 12.53
1 PEU 19 39.71 56.74 4.28 31.49 12.21
BEU 17 39.94 55.57 4.00 31.27 12.47
H 18 39.33 57.50 4.26 31.03 12.23
24 PEU 19 40.54 57.10 4.17 30.87 12.35
BEU 18 40.65 58.60 4.07 31.02 12.66
H 18 38.63 53.65 4.32 30.89 12.40
28 0 PEU 17 42.13 57.39 4.10 33.54 11.99
BEU 19 38.06 52.94 4.03 31.30 11.96
H 18 38.21 57.81 4.13 32.11 12.05
1 PEU 20 39.69 53.20 4.33 32.77 11.54
BEU 19 41.15 56.94 4.23 32.08 11.82
H 16 38.73 54.71 4.16 31.31 12.15
24 PEU 19 38.71 54.57 4.06 32.12 12.15
BEU 20 43.09 57.05 3.84 32.22 11.74
H 18 38.33 55.93 4.21 31.20 12.42

SL, storage length; TF, turning frequency; EP, egg position; AW, albumen width; AL, albumen length; AH, albumen height; YW, yolk width; YH, yolk height; PEU, pointed end up; BEU, blunt end up; H, horizontal.

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Table 3. The effect of some quality traits (mm) on storage length, turning frequency and egg position during storage period
SL (d)
 7 172 40.65 56.35b 4.57a 30.12c 12.43b
 14 170 40.41 58.60a 4.42ab 30.31c 12.88a
 21 164 39.94 56.67ab 4.22bc 31.08b 12.44b
 28 166 39.79 55.61bc 4.13c 32.08a 11.98c
 SEM 0.39 0.46 0.04 0.11 0.06
p-value - *** *** *** ***
TF (times/d)
 0 215 40.23 57.20 4.37 30.90 12.44ab
 1 227 39.96 56.33 4.34 31.01 12.30b
 24 230 40.39 56.89 4.30 30.78 12.57a
 SEM 0.33 0.40 0.04 0.10 0.05
p-value - - - - **
 PEU 227 39.82 56.01b 4.45a 31.16a 12.42
 BEU 227 40.52 56.54ab 4.29b 30.82b 12.47
 H 218 40.24 57.87a 4.27b 30.72b 12.40
 SEM 0.33 0.40 0.04 0.10 0.05
p-value - ** ** *** -
Interactions p-value
SL × TF - - - - -
SL × EP *** ** * * **
TF × EP - ** * - -
SL × TF × EP - *** * ** *

Means along the same column with different superscripts are significantly (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001) different.

AW, albumen width; AL, albumen length; AH, albumen height; YW, yolk width; YH, yolk height; SL, storage length; TF, turning frequency; EP, egg position; PEU, pointed end up; BEU, blunt end up; H, horizontal.

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Main egg quality traits

The effect of storage length, turning frequency and egg position on albumen index, yolk index and Haugh unit which are the main egg quality traits were presented in Table 5, and subgroup means of the fixed factors were also presented in Table 4. Storage length showed a significant effect on all the major quality traits (p < 0.001). Either numerical or statistical differences became prominent after 21 days storage period. The only significant effect was observed on yolk index between turning frequency groups (p < 0.01). The eggs stored with pointed end up were found to be highest values in terms of albumen index and Haugh unit (p < 0.001).

Table 4. Major quality traits of chukar partridge eggs in different storage length, turning frequency and egg position during storage period
SL (d) TF (times/d) EP n AI (%) YI (%) HU
7 0 PEU 18 2.46 39.88 83.97
BEU 18 2.59 42.37 84.53
H 17 2.08 42.11 82.93
1 PEU 20 2.74 41.96 86.65
BEU 20 2.47 40.67 83.04
H 19 1.98 39.26 80.18
24 PEU 20 2.40 42.53 84.53
BEU 20 2.36 40.88 82.87
H 20 2.48 42.72 84.46
14 0 PEU 16 2.51 44.16 85.46
BEU 17 2.30 41.64 83.37
H 20 2.13 41.80 82.04
1 PEU 19 2.43 41.10 83.19
BEU 20 2.15 44.19 82.52
H 20 2.21 40.75 81.57
24 PEU 20 2.31 43.05 82.61
BEU 20 2.20 44.37 83.27
H 18 2.08 42.36 81.66
21 0 PEU 20 2.23 39.85 82.40
BEU 19 2.27 40.86 82.62
H 16 2.17 40.80 81.80
1 PEU 19 2.23 38.89 81.92
BEU 17 2.11 40.04 80.56
H 18 2.22 39.48 82.31
24 PEU 19 2.17 40.05 81.08
BEU 18 2.08 40.92 80.62
H 18 2.35 40.26 82.19
28 0 PEU 17 2.06 35.83 80.58
BEU 19 2.22 38.22 80.34
H 18 2.19 37.62 81.27
1 PEU 20 2.34 35.25 82.67
BEU 19 2.18 36.85 82.03
H 16 2.26 38.80 81.36
24 PEU 19 2.22 37.87 80.56
BEU 20 2.11 36.49 79.01
H 18 2.23 39.84 81.53

SL, storage length; TF, turning frequency; EP, egg position; AI, albumen index; YI, yolk index; HU, Haugh unit; PEU, pointed end up; BEU, blunt end up; H, horizontal.

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Table 5. The effect of major quality traits on storage length, turning frequency and egg position during storage period
n AI (%) YI (%) HU
SL (d)
 7 172 2.40a 41.38b 83.70a
 14 170 2.26ab 42.60a 82.79ab
 21 164 2.20b 40.13c 81.74b
 28 166 2.18b 37.42d 81.03b
 SEM 0.03 0.25 0.29
p-value *** *** ***
TF (times/d)
 0 215 2.27 40.43ab 82.58
 1 227 2.28 39.77b 82.38
 24 230 2.24 40.95a 82.51
 SEM 0.03 0.22 0.25
p-value - ** -
 PEU 227 2.34a 40.04 82.97a
 BEU 227 2.24b 40.63 82.06b
 H 218 2.20b 40.48 81.96b
 SEM 0.03 0.22 0.25
p-value ** - **
Interactions p-value
SL × TF - - -
SL × EP *** ** *
TF × EP *** - *
SL × TF × EP * *** -

Means along the same column with different superscripts are significantly (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001) different.

SL, storage length; TF, turning frequency; EP, egg position; PEU, pointed end up; BEU, blunt end up; H, horizontal; AI, albumen index; YI, yolk index; HU, Haugh unit.

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Weight of egg components

The weights of egg components in different storage length, turning frequency and egg position were illustrated in Table 6, and the effect of those factors on egg weight components were given in Table 7. Significant effects on each egg weight components were mostly more evident after 21 days storage period. Neither turning frequency nor egg position had significant effect on egg weight components except for the fact that yolk weight had the highest values for the eggs stored with pointed end up.

Table 6. Weight of chukar egg components (g) in different storage length, turning frequency and egg position during storage period
SL (d) TF (times/d) EP n Yolk Albumen Shell
7 0 PEU 18 6.93 11.89 1.89
BEU 18 6.98 12.14 1.86
H 17 6.74 12.08 1.93
1 PEU 20 7.08 12.15 1.97
BEU 20 6.95 12.09 1.91
H 19 6.93 12.33 1.92
24 PEU 20 7.28 11.69 1.89
BEU 20 7.00 11.89 1.91
H 20 6.93 12.06 1.93
14 0 PEU 16 7.12 11.89 1.95
BEU 17 6.92 11.65 1.97
H 20 6.82 11.40 1.88
1 PEU 19 7.01 11.63 1.93
BEU 20 7.40 11.80 1.93
H 20 7.13 11.73 1.98
24 PEU 20 7.08 12.49 1.93
BEU 20 7.13 11.72 1.90
H 18 7.91 11.97 1.92
21 0 PEU 20 7.34 11.16 1.96
BEU 19 7.18 11.34 2.00
H 16 6.96 11.68 1.88
1 PEU 19 7.18 11.69 1.95
BEU 17 7.08 11.24 1.93
H 18 6.82 11.31 1.91
24 PEU 19 7.12 11.69 2.02
BEU 18 7.42 11.46 2.03
H 18 7.31 11.76 2.00
28 0 PEU 17 7.87 11.26 1.99
BEU 19 7.57 11.13 2.02
H 18 7.59 11.31 1.97
1 PEU 20 7.37 11.03 1.97
BEU 19 7.27 11.80 1.95
H 16 7.25 11.35 2.01
24 PEU 19 7.51 11.29 1.96
BEU 20 7.39 11.36 2.01
H 18 7.47 11.42 1.98

SL, storage length; TF, turning frequency; EP, egg position; PEU, pointed end up; BEU, blunt end up; H, horizontal.

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Table 7. The effect of weight of chukar egg components (g) on storage length, turning frequency and egg position during storage period
n Yolk Albumen Shell
SL (d)
 7 172 6.98b 12.03a 1.91c
 14 170 7.06b 11.81a 1.93bc
 21 164 7.16b 11.48b 1.97ab
 28 166 7.48a 11.22b 1.98a
 SEM 0.05 0.07 0.01
p-value *** *** **
TF (times/d)
 0 215 7.17 11.58 1.94
 1 227 7.12 11.60 1.95
 24 230 7.21 11.73 1.96
 SEM 0.04 0.06 0.01
p-value - - -
 PEU 227 7.24a 11.66 1.95
 BEU 227 7.19ab 11.55 1.95
 H 218 7.07b 11.70 1.94
 SEM 0.04 0.06 0.01
p-value * - -
Interactions p-value
SL × TF ** - -
SL × EP - - -
TF × EP - - -
SL × TF × EP - - -

Means along the same column with different superscripts are significantly (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001) different.

SL, storage length; TF, turning frequency; EP, egg position; PEU, pointed end up; BEU, blunt end up; H, horizontal.

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Egg component ratios

Egg component ratios in different storage length, turning frequency and egg position were given in Table 8. The effects of fixed factors were also given in Table 9. The ratio of egg components was significantly affected by lengthening of storage time (p < 0.001). Prominent differences were observed after 21 days of storage period. Turning frequency had no significant effect on those ratios. Proportions of albumen and yolk components were significantly differed by egg position during storage. There was no significant difference on shell ratio of the eggs with different egg position.

Table 8. Ratio of chukar egg components (%) in different storage length, turning frequency and egg position during storage period
SL (d) TF (times/d) EP n Albumen Yolk Albumen/Yolk Shell
7 0 PEU 18 57.36 33.53 58.82 9.11
BEU 18 57.84 33.26 57.73 8.89
H 17 58.19 32.50 56.17 9.31
1 PEU 20 57.32 33.42 58.44 9.26
BEU 20 57.65 33.25 57.97 9.10
H 19 58.15 32.77 56.71 9.09
24 PEU 20 55.98 34.94 62.60 9.08
BEU 20 57.10 33.72 59.16 9.18
H 20 57.59 33.17 57.83 9.24
14 0 PEU 16 56.71 34.00 60.44 9.29
BEU 17 56.73 33.70 59.79 9.56
H 20 56.69 33.97 60.34 9.34
1 PEU 19 56.50 34.11 60.67 9.38
BEU 20 55.78 35.08 64.81 9.13
H 20 56.24 34.26 61.28 9.50
24 PEU 20 58.11 32.90 57.13 8.99
BEU 20 56.45 34.40 61.24 9.15
H 18 57.50 33.24 57.94 9.26
21 0 PEU 20 54.55 35.85 66.01 9.60
BEU 19 55.19 35.04 63.94 9.77
H 16 56.93 33.93 59.76 9.14
1 PEU 19 56.14 34.49 61.63 9.37
BEU 17 55.45 35.01 63.53 9.54
H 18 56.45 34.01 60.57 9.54
24 PEU 19 56.05 34.23 61.42 9.72
BEU 18 54.78 35.53 65.07 9.69
H 18 55.86 34.64 62.31 9.50
28 0 PEU 17 53.32 37.24 70.18 9.44
BEU 19 53.69 36.56 68.30 9.75
H 18 54.17 36.39 67.41 9.44
1 PEU 20 54.22 36.13 67.11 9.65
BEU 19 53.91 36.35 67.80 9.74
H 16 55.04 35.21 64.13 9.75
24 PEU 19 54.35 36.22 67.06 9.44
BEU 20 54.76 35.58 65.32 9.66
H 18 54.71 35.81 65.80 9.48

SL, storage length; TF, turning frequency; EP, egg position; PEU, pointed end up; BEU, blunt end up; H, horizontal.

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Table 9. The effect of storage length, turning frequency and egg position during storage period on weight of chukar egg components (%)
n Albumen Yolk Albumen/Yolk Shell
SL (d)
 7 172 57.47a 33.40c 58.38c 9.14b
 14 170 56.75a 33.96bc 60.40bc 9.29b
 21 164 55.71b 34.75b 62.69b 9.54a
 28 166 54.24c 36.17a 67.01a 9.59a
 SEM 0.21 0.20 0.62 0.05
p-value *** *** *** ***
TF (times/d)
 0 215 55.95 34.67 62.41 9.39
 1 227 56.07 34.51 62.06 9.42
 24 230 56.10 34.53 61.91 9.37
 SEM 0.18 0.17 0.54 0.05
p-value - - - -
 PEU 227 55.88ab 34.76a 62.63ab 9.36
 BEU 227 55.78b 34.79a 62.89a 9.43
 H 218 56.46a 34.16b 60.85b 9.38
 SEM 0.18 0.17 0.54 0.05
p-value * * * -
Interactions p-value
SL × TF * - - -
SL × EP - - - -
TF × EP - - - -
SL × TF × EP - - - -

Means along the same column with different superscripts are significantly (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001) different.

SL, storage length; TF, turning frequency; EP, egg position; PEU, pointed end up; BEU, blunt end up; H, horizontal.

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Interactions between traits

Some significant interactions among factors for all quality traits were observed in the study (Tables 3 and 5). The significant interactions were summarized by interpretation of one-way analysis which the raw means of subgroups could be seen in Tables 2 and 4. Storage length and egg position had significant interaction among all quality traits (p < 0.05). This interaction was mostly based on the eggs stored with horizontal position or lengthening storage period more than 21 days. Albumen width and length were decreased as the storage period was lengthened while albumen height didn’t have any significant effect on the eggs in the horizontal group. Significant differences occurred in the eggs stored for 28 days, which was found to be highest yolk diameter in eggs stored with the position of pointed end up. Therefore, these findings about yolk diameter resulted in significant differences for yolk index in eggs with 28 days storage duration. Yolk height was reported to be lower in eggs stored with horizontal position than those stored with blunt end up position. Normally, Haugh unit, albumen height and index of eggs stored with pointed end up were significantly higher values which disappeared when the eggs were stored more than 21 days storage length. Contrary to other position groups, albumen index and Haugh unit weren’t influenced by different storage duration in the eggs stored horizontally. As for yolk index, significant difference only occurred in the 28 days of storage duration. There was a significant interaction between turning frequency and egg position for both Haugh unit and albumen quality traits (p < 0.05). These results were mostly based on the eggs when turning was applied. Increasing turning frequency resulted in decreased albumen length in eggs stored with blunted end up position. When turning frequency was once a day during storage period, albumen height was lower in eggs stored with horizontal position than those stored with the position of pointed end up. Turning the eggs 24 times a day resulted in decreased albumen index in the position group of blunted end up and increased albumen index in the horizontal position group. Turning the eggs 24 times a day resulted in increased albumen index compared to non-turned eggs in the position group of blunted end up. A significant increase occurred in Haugh unit of the eggs with pointed end up when the eggs were turned once a day during storage period. Significant interactions also occurred between storage length, turning frequency and egg position for all quality traits except albumen width and Haugh unit (p < 0.05). There was no interaction between factors for egg component traits except the interaction of storage length with turning frequency for yolk weight (p < 0.01) and albumen ratio (p < 0.05).


Storage length

The observed results proved the fact how chukar egg quality can change in the mentioned factors of different egg conditions. We didn’t need to investigate the effect of eggshell quality and shape traits because the eggshell quality was mainly affected by many factors apart from storage conditions [14]. Contrary to our results, albumen length and width were reported to show an increase with long term storage time [15]. Albumen height and index, yolk index and Haugh unit of chukar eggs decreased significantly as the storage period lengthened which agrees with the findings of rock partridges [6,12]. But most of these decreases were found in the eggs after 21 days of storage period. These results confirmed the study of Günhan and Kırıkçı [7] who found a fluctuation in most of egg quality parameters of rock partridge till 21 days of storage time and then more evident significant differences. The main possible explanation of this result is that partridge eggs are resistant to longer storage duration compared with other poultry species [7,16,17]. Other explanations are that albumen height is one of the measures of the albumen viscosity which plays an important role to obtain sufficient nutrients by the blastoderm in the early period of incubation [18]. Extended storage time caused excessive albumen degradation, the result of which albumen got thinner and watery, and therefore caused a decrease in Haugh unit which might cause higher embryonic death in the early period of incubation [19]. Khan et al. [20] reported that prolonged storage period impairs egg quality parameters due to water loss from the eggs. Although yolk diameter and height showed a fluctuation up to 21 days of storage, significant increase for yolk diameter and decrease for its height were observed in the current study. These findings supported the ideas of Kirunda and McKee [21], who reported that weakening vitelline membrane and chalazae caused an increase in yolk diameter and a decrease in its height during prolonged storage period. When the yolk diameter gets larger with long storage duration, yolks become fragile and eventually tend to mix up with albumen [22].

Chukar egg components weights and their ratios were significantly differed by storage length. Prolonged storage period decreased the albumen weight and increased yolk weight in current study. The differences in these components were based on the move of water from albumen to yolk during the long storage period in relation with changes in the permeability of the vitelline membrane [20]. As for proportions of egg components, while albumen ratio decreased; shell and yolk ratio increased with long-term storage duration. This was mostly related to a loss in albumen weight over time [23]. Findings of rock partridges by Çağlayan et al. [6] and Günhan and Kırıkçı [7] were in agreement with ours. In the current study, significant interaction was observed between storage length and turning frequency only for yolk weight and albumen ratio. Melo et al. [24] found an interaction between eggshell weight of broiler breeders with different storage length and turning frequency but they didn’t find any interaction for proportions of other components.

In the current study egg quality and egg components had no significant interaction between storage length and turning frequency. Melo et al. [24] reported that 12 days of holding period had an adverse effect on quality of broiler breeder eggs independent of turning. But they found significant interaction for the egg components when the eggs stored less than 12 days. This difference from our results might be based on inclination of the eggs during turning which these authors turned the eggs by 180° angle.

Egg turning

The previous studies indicated that egg turning during storage might be applicable for incubation yields and embryonic mortality [9,10,25], but the effect of those on egg quality traits hasn’t been fully documented yet. The study shows that almost all of chukar egg quality traits and egg weight components weren’t obviously affected by turning during storage. Several authors similarly confirmed that the turning of partridge eggs during storage period had no obvious significant effect on hatching results [10,25]. But significant interactions occurred for the eggs with different position during storage when turning was applied, which were similar to the findings of Proudfoot [26]. The previous literatures investigating the effect of turning on egg quality during storage are lacking, which makes it hard to discuss this research.

Egg position

Egg position during storage affects incubation period and hatchability results. Several investigators researched the hatchability results of chicken eggs with different position during storage [4,11,27]. However, there is a lack of research investigation about how egg quality would change in different conditions of storage. The study confirms that eggs stored with pointed end up would have better quality considering almost all of quality parameters. Several authors found similar results for eggs stored with pointed end up with regard to hatchability and embryonic mortality [4,11,27]. These significant differences between egg position groups disappeared after 21 days of storage period. This might be mainly due to eggs stored horizontally, which wasn’t negatively influenced by lengthening storage period. These significant interactions between storage length and egg position are probably due to the changes of yolk position and blastoderm location in the equatorial region of eggs during storage period [1]. The findings of Cardetti et al. [28] indicated that yolk was more centered in the eggs stored horizontally. Yolk centralization was also known as one of the factors determining the egg quality [29]. These might be possible explanations why egg quality of the eggs stored horizontally was more durable in long-term storage period. The findings of highest albumen rate and lowest yolk rate in the chukar eggs stored horizontally might also indicate durability of those stored in long-term storage. According to the findings in the study by Burkhardt et al. [30], eggs placed with horizontal position in the last days of the storage were essential for proper location of germinal disc.


The results of the present study showed that the significant differences for chukar egg quality traits were mainly due to egg storage length and egg position. The obvious effect on internal egg quality traits was observed especially with more than 21 days storage length. Generally, storing the chukar eggs less than 21 days with the position of pointed end up is necessary to ensure sufficient quality of the eggs independent of turning. However, if the storage length is to exceed 21 days, the eggs can be placed horizontally and turning should be applied to preserve the quality of chukar eggs. More comprehensive research with different poultry species is essential for general recommendations about how egg quality differs in different storage conditions.

Competing interests

No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.

Funding sources

Not applicable.


The authors are grateful to the directorate of Bahri Dagdas International Agricultural and Institute for allowing this study to be carried out and thankful to the workers of Institute for their help. The study was also carried out with the technical support of HD Incubators. The summary of this study was presented as an oral presentation (abstract) in the International Conference on Veterinary, Agriculture and Life Sciences on November 5-8, 2021. The authors also wish to thank Mucahit Çam for grammatical revision of the manuscript before submission.

Availability of data and material

Upon reasonable request, the datasets of this study can be available from the correspoding author.

Authors’ contributions

Conceptualization: Çam M.

Data curation: Kaya ZK, Güler S.

Formal analysis: Çam M.

Methodology: Çam M.

Software: Çam M, Kaya ZK, Güler S.

Validation: Kırıkçı K.

Investigation: Harman H, Kırıkçı K.

Writing - original draft: Çam M, Kaya ZK, Güler S.

Writing - review & editing: Çam M, Kaya ZK, Güler S, Harman H, Kırıkçı K.

Ethics approval and consent to participate

This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Selcuk University Faculty of Veterinary Experimental Animals Production and Research Center (Permit No. 2021/58, date of approval: 28.04.2021).



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