
An intelligent method for pregnancy diagnosis in breeding sows according to ultrasonography algorithms

Jung-woo Chae1, Yo-han Choi2, Jeong-nam Lee1, Hyun-ju Park2, Yong-dae Jeong2, Eun-seok Cho2, Young-sin Kim2, Tae-kyeong Kim1, Soo-jin Sa2,*, Hyun-chong Cho1,**
Author Information & Copyright
1Kangwon National University, Chuncheon‑si 24341, Korea.
2National Institute of Animal Science, Cheonan-si 31000, Korea.
**Corresponding Author: Soo-jin Sa, National Institute of Animal Science, Cheonan-si 31000, Korea, Republic of. E-mail:
**Corresponding Author: Hyun-chong Cho, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon‑si 24341, Korea, Republic of. E-mail:

© Copyright 2022 Korean Society of Animal Science and Technology. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Pig breeding management directly contributes to the profitability of pig farms, and pregnancy diagnosis is an important factor in breeding management. Therefore, the need to diagnose pregnancy in sows is emphasized, and various studies have been conducted in this area. We propose a computer-aided diagnosis system to assist livestock farmers to diagnose sow pregnancy through ultrasound. Methods for diagnosing pregnancy in sows through ultrasound include the Doppler method, which measures the heart rate and pulse status, and the echo method, which diagnoses by amplitude depth technique. We propose a method that uses deep learning algorithms on ultrasonography, which is part of the echo method. As deep learning-based classification algorithms, Inception-v4, Xception, and EfficientNetV2 were used and compared to find the optimal algorithm for pregnancy diagnosis in sows. Gaussian and speckle noises were added to the ultrasound images according to the characteristics of the ultrasonography, which is easily affected by noise from the surrounding environments. Both the original and noise added ultrasound images of sows were tested together to determine the suitability of the proposed method on farms. The pregnancy diagnosis performance on the original ultrasound images achieved 0.99 in accuracy in the highest case and on the ultrasound images with noises, the performance achieved 0.98 in accuracy. The diagnosis performance achieved 0.96 in accuracy even when the intensity of noise was strong, proving its robustness against noise.

Keywords: Classification algorithm; Deep learning; Pregnancy diagnosis; Sow; Ultrasound